Burial Hill Cemetery was established in 1622 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. It sits on a beautiful hill overlooking Plymouth Harbor. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is the second oldest cemetery in Plymouth. Photo highlights below.

Skeleton, Skull, Scythe, Cross Bones, Hourglass
Here Lyes Buried
The Body of
Natl Jackson
Who died July 14th
1743 in the 79th
year of his age

Death’s Heads
Here Lyes Interred Y Body of
Mr. Joseph Bradford son to the
Late Honourable William Bradford
Eqsr Governour of Plymouth
Colony Who Departed
This Life July the 10th 1715
in the 85th year of his age

Portrait of Patience Watson wearing a heart-shaped locket.
Here lies Interr’d
the Body of
Mrs Patience Watson
the wife of
Mr Elkanah Watson
She Departed this Life
April 20th 1767
In the Thirty fourth Year of her Age

Here lies
buried the Body of
John Watson, Esq.
who departed this Life
Jany 3d 1753
in the 37th Year
of his Age

Here lies intered
the remains of
Mrs Elizabeth Watson
Wife of
William Watson Esq
who departed this life
Sepbr 2d AD 1798 in the
66 year of her age