This site is about all of the artistic and interesting finds in cemeteries. Elaborate marble sculptures, detailed cast-iron gates and fences, unusual tombstones and their symbolism. Posts are made as time permits without any regular schedule. You will notice their are no ads or sponsors. Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions.

Iconography or Symbolism
The symbolism found on tombstones is what started my interest in cemeteries. Why would someone put a finger pointing down on their tombstone? Why would someone put a woman on fire on their tombstone? What’s up with the missing chain link?

Acronyms are typically for a club or fraternal organization and may tell you a little bit about the interred. This can be of interest when researching your genealogy. For instance, an NS-DAR insignia means your relative was a Daughter of the American Revolution and their is a treasure trove of lineage information in the NS-DAR archives.

Carvers and Quarries
Signed, marble tombstones and memorials are covered, especially early Alabama marble carvers and quarries. This area will expand as research continues.